Friday Five

candleThis week, I’m reviving the Friday Five where I briefly detail five things I’ve learned about life this week.

1. We learn to laugh in stages. I didn’t know this was part of human development, but we actually don’t laugh all at once! Right now, when I tickle George’s belly, he gives off a couple grunts. He’s not at the “peals of laughter” stage. It’s hilarious watching this growth process.

2. All booze tastes better after you’ve had your first child. This may be tied to the fact that I went over 9 months without having a glass of wine. It might also be that I’m still not drinking much at all because I need to be alert to care for my baby. Or maybe it’s a parenting bonus. Either way, alcohol tastes like the nectar of the gods at this life stage.

3. The truth, when told plainly and carefully, is far more palatable than we fear it will be. Many of us are frightened to be direct, worrying about the reaction we’ll get. But the more I’m alive, the more I realize that most people crave direct truth. Sure, you wreck your message if you’re a jerk with the delivery, but that just takes some tact. Speak the truth in love, and it is gratefully swallowed.

4. Children make friends for you. I never thought I’d befriend my neighbors. I’m just too cautious–it comes partly with the territory of living in a rather sketchy neighborhood. But George, on the other hand, is thrilled to grin and coo at anyone. He’s making friends for me. He’s already got a raving fun who’s eight years old and keeps telling me what a cute baby I have.

5. Silence, meditation, reflection–Just because we live in a noisy, chatterbox world, doesn’t mean QUIET isn’t essential to our souls.

For those who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas to you!!

Lots of love,



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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I thought I was following your blogs but I guess not! I hoped I fixed that error – I like the Friday Five – what a cool and clever idea. Best to you and your family!

  2. Sweet, Elise! Happy Holidays … I’m sure you’ll be enjoying a special first Christmas with George!

    1. Thank you, Arleen! Yes, this is our first Christmas with him! It makes me think more carefully over what traditions I want to keep and pass along.

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