Warm Rain

The downpour struck fast and without warning. The rain streaks looked like steady shoots of water from the sky. On the inside of the house, the rainfall looked like a little 2-year-old who went from happy to distraught in  a few minutes. My husband and I were spending the day with my cousin’s family: mommy, daddy, and three kidlets. As parents-to-be, James and I have a…


Facing the Storm

Like a wise traveler, I plot my course for days before I begin. I make careful plans, with a clear head, and no rushing. I then board my ship, check my charts, and run a finger along the map’s inked path from my port to the island I hope and pray to reach. It will test the limits of my endurance. The first days go smoothly.…


Spring Cleaning: 20 ideas for Metamorphosis

Push aside blankets in the dark cozy  corners and snuggle up to the window. Exchange your black wardrobe (I’m talking to you, Seattle!) for lighter-colored, or at least colorful attire. Allow yourself an iced version of your favorite caffeine stimulant, even if the weather’s only a smidge warmer than usual. Listen to Celtic, Folk, Instrumental, and Swing style music—it will make you want to go outside,…


Letters and Love Notes and Leaflets–Oh My!

The pile lies before me in a daunting mountain as I sprawl on the carpeted floor of my office. The papers glitter with patterns and textual swirls the decorate years and years worth of notes. I must face the truth: The time has come to part with precious things I've stashed away. I am a pack rat when it comes to preserving pieces of the written…


The Big Question: Boy or Girl?

James and I have discovered the sex of our baby. Ya’ll ready for this? As I prepared myself for this ultimate reveal—this all-defining moment—I realized the enormous importance my society places on gender. I have a pregnant cousin who’s choosing to not to peek at her baby’s sex. She told me that the question, “Do you know what you’re having?” irks her. She wants to answer,…


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