Squash or Nurture?

Comparison is the thief of joy. -Anonymous I recently awoke from a vivid dream filled with high seas adventures, golden beaches, a stowaway, an overprotective parent, unrequited love, and secret treasures of the heart.  The interesting part about this dream is that I took away from it less inspiration for a new story to write, and more inspiration for how I will treat my writing friends. To be…


Moonlight and Oranges Launch Party!

Moonlight and Oranges has successfully left the harbor!  For those of you interested in seeing what a book launch party can look like, please enjoy the pictures that I'm sprinkling liberally through this post. We rented the lower banquet room at Razzi's Pizzeria in Seattle's Greenwood neighborhood.  (It's free of charge to rent the room, which is amazing for writers on a budget like me.) We…


All I Can Say Is…Thank You

It's here!  Moonlight and Oranges is officially for sale on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com in both paperback and eBook! You can look to the right of this post at the snazzy link that takes you right to Amazon.com to purchase it.  Now that the moment has finally arrived, ("This is real, Elise. You're not dreaming.  The numbness and disbelief is perfectly normal and proportional to how badly you've…


The Beginning of It All

When I first began writing, everything was about extremes. I focused on making my characters as beautiful they could be, having as much fun and excitement as possible, and the bottom line was that I kept myself entertained. I wrote because I found storytelling exciting, and all of my stories had the requirement that they continuously enthrall my imagination. My first “writing” was actually illustration with a few…


Looking Back

I am now a little more than two weeks away from launching Moonlight and Oranges. But before I go into more of that, please join me in welcoming the glorious, smashing cover design for Moonlight and Oranges, designed for me by Isaiah Qualls.  Isn't it gorgeous??? If I could look back and say what were the five most important things I did to bring myself to this…


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