Villains and Such: Guest Post from Terry Persun

I’m pleased to share my blog with author Terry Persun today. Terry is is in releasing GARGOYLE his fourth book in his Doublesight fantasy series, and today he shares with us a bit about his love for his villains.

For those of you who may remember my post Pearl from last year, Terry was my friend who hugged and encouraged me.

You can also enter the drawing for a bunch of fantasy ebooks at the end of this post!

Enjoy this guest post!



I enjoy writing about villains as much as I enjoy writing about heroes. In Gargoyle the fun tripled because I could make things up that were part of one animal and part of another. I could play with their personalities, create some humor, conflict, frustration. I don’t want to give away any of the main villains—there are several—but do want to offer a short excerpt that has stuck in my head for a long time. I can still see the Riks horsing around the campfire of my mind. Here you go:


Six brothers and one sister, with human torsos and buffalo hindquarters, sat around the dying embers of a fire in a clearing in the Stilth Alshore woods. Patches of sunlight dropped from the treetops into the area. The Riks drank and ate, and sometimes wrestled about on the ground in front of the fire pit. Even the youngest of them, Grik, the only girl, drank and wrestled like her brothers.


Bayok paced in wide circles on the opposite side of the fire pit, kicking at sticks and stones that lay in front of him. His hand scratched at his short, rough beard. Occasionally, he’d glance at the Riks, expecting them to know how agitated he felt, but they ignored him completely.


The gargoyles talked amongst themselves, and the conversations climbed in volume until Bayok yelled for them to shut up. “I’m trying to come up with a plan,” he said.


“A plan, a plan,” one demon mocked. Then others chimed in, “Plan. Plan. Oooo, a plan.” They started laughing at their own antics. Crik threw wine on Frik, who then tackled his brother, nearly getting Crik’s hair into the embers.


Sorry I can’t offer you more than this snippet, but I can tell you that writing this novel was a lot of fun.



Starting on September 1st Doublesight will be one of Amazon’s Kindle Worlds ( Join me, by writing a short story (5,000 to 10,000 words), novella (10,000 to 50,000 words), or novel (over 50,000 words) and get it published. I need to have a handful of stories ready by the September 1st, 2015 launch date, so if you’re interested, please contact me for more information. Any characters you create are yours to keep. Let’s have fun together.


My Best in Fantasy Review:




Terry Persun has been writing and publishing short stories and novels since the early 1970s. He has been the recipient of seven novel and poetry awards over the years, including the Star of Washington Award, a Silver IPPY for historical fiction, two Book of the Year finalist awards in the science fiction category, two finalist awards from the USABookNews International Book Awards (one in science fiction and one in historical fiction), two poetry chapbook awards, and a Jeanne Voge Poetry Award. Terry writes in a variety of genres including science fiction, thriller, mystery, and mainstream fiction. He is a respected keynoter and speaker at libraries, writers’ groups, writers’ conferences, and universities across the country. Terry has an MA in creative writing from SUNY Stony Brook.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Which book was that from?

    1. I believe this is a teaser from Gargoyle! 🙂

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