Like Royalty

It was a Saturday afternoon. My friend and I wanted to go on a girl-date somewhere nice. We went to an Italian cafe--a favorite of mine--ordered a bottle of wine and some snacks, and sat out in front of the cafe. This cafe is also a coffee shop and a restaurant. To say that I love this place is an understatement. The very first time I…



Here is my Thanksgiving edition of the Friday Five: where each week I share four things I’ve learned and one fun photo. This post falls within the month of November, so I think it's still timely, plus, I ask, when is being thankful out of season? 1. Thankful hearts awaken kindness in others. Have you noticed that it’s pretty much impossible to be mean or harsh…



Here is my Thanksgiving edition of the Friday Five: where each week I share four things I’ve learned and one fun photo. This post falls within the month of November, so I think it's still timely, plus, I ask, when is being thankful out of season? 1. Thankful hearts awaken kindness in others. Have you noticed that it’s pretty much impossible to be mean or harsh…


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