Interspecies Communication – New Short Story!

Hello all! In case you missed my announcements on social media, here is a link to my newest story, "Common Speech," which was released earlier this month on the beautiful and evocative Escape Pod podcast. The narrator, Ibba Armancas, gave a phenomenal and heartfelt performance. I'm so impressed by and grateful for the emotional nuance she delivered to the storytelling! The image on this post is…


Director’s Choice or My Worst Theater Experience

My mother always told me there’s a 90/10 rule to theater: 90% of it is unimpressive, mediocre, and even terrible. The other 10% is so breathtaking in its emotional depth and scope, it compels us to once again brave the tepid hodgepodge 90% in hopes of discovering the next precious gem. I’ve seen my fair share of stunning shows. Bright Star, currently new-to-Broadway, is fantastic. Brooklyn…


Real Life Drama

It’s a blast from the past today. Drama school lessons ranging from social studies to sexual attraction. (Photos of Elise from acting projects at the end of this post!) A large part of my personality formation came through my involvement in the drama department at my university. I took the year-long acting series offered there and gained an enormous depth of understanding for: 1. What makes…


How to Read Out Loud in 6 Steps

We all read out loud. It's part of daily life. But what many of us don't realize is that reading out loud is a skill, and, with a little practice, it can be honed in a way that transforms anything we say. A mediocre story can become something fantastic with one simple tweak—the voice-acting of the narrator who breathes it to life. A well-written piece of…


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