Slow Motion (Part 1)

Check it off the list. Finish the job. That task will be hanging over my head until it’s completely done. Any of those sound familiar? There are two sides to every coin. On one side is laziness and lack of impetus to get started. On the other is an impulsive, burning drive that pushes me to keep chugging along, a fire that never quite goes out.…


Should Writing Have a WARNING Label?

A philosophical thought... A friend of mine brought up this probing question-Is writing dangerous?-yesterday while we sat in a circle of poets, lyricists, fiction and nonfiction prose writers.  The thought hadn't really occurred to me to ponder until that moment.  And so we did ponder it, over frozen yogurt in honor of spring's warmth. Is it dangerous to spend so much time writing?  Hours and hours spent creating,…


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