Red-Letter Day

According to Wikipedia, a red-letter day is any day of significance and my goodness did I have one! Last week I sent out my normal batch of query letters via email.  This is  part of my marketing plan, which entails sending out queries for my manuscript, Moonlight and Oranges, every two weeks or so. That same day, to my unbelieving eyes, two positive responses came back from two…


Later Drafts: Writing From Memory

How many times, when setting out to edit/revise a piece of writing have you lost yourself in your own prose, enjoying the story once again as a reader, rather than an editor? It happens all the time to me. True, it's an excellent sign if you're able to captivate yourself, and there will be moments when you know a scene is sizzling because your heart races every time you…


It All Counts

You've heard me say this: Keep writing, no matter what. But what if I'm sick as a dog, with a fever and a headcold and I can't stop blowing my nose for fear of asphyxiating on my own mucus? That was me last week. Gross!  Too much information!  I hear you say.  I know, I know.  But every now and then, even we writers get deathly illl.  How are we supposed…


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